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Envision Empower Succeed
Setting Meaningful New Year’s Resolutions

Setting Meaningful New Year’s Resolutions

As the calendar turns to a new year, it brings with it the tradition of setting resolutions. Often, these resolutions are fleeting wishes rather than actionable goals. As a life coach, I’ve seen the transformative power of setting realistic and meaningful goals....
How to Prioritise Your Wellbeing This Christmas

How to Prioritise Your Wellbeing This Christmas

With its festive lights and joyous gatherings, often brings a flurry of activity and, sometimes, stress. In the midst of gift-giving and merry-making, it’s crucial to remember one important person: yourself. Prioritising self-care during the holidays is not just...
Finding Balance During the Holidays

Finding Balance During the Holidays

The holiday season, with its festive cheer and gatherings, can also be a time of overwhelming demands — from shopping and decorating to attending social events and hosting family gatherings. As a life coach, I’ve worked with many clients on strategies to manage time...
Some Goodbyes Are Essential For Personal Growth

Some Goodbyes Are Essential For Personal Growth

TRANSCRIPT We’ve all been there – at the cusp of a goodbye, torn between holding onto the past and stepping into the uncertain future. It’s in these moments that we confront one of life’s essential truths: sometimes, to move forward, we must let go. Here’s why...
The bully who gave me my superpowers

The bully who gave me my superpowers

In every journey of transformation, there often lies a catalyst cloaked in adversity, a shadow that inadvertently guides us to our light. My journey was no different, marked by an encounter with a professional adult in my network who, unbeknownst to them, awakened the...
Intuitive Signs Around You

Intuitive Signs Around You

Life is a journey full of twists and turns. While we often turn to logic and reasoning to make our decisions, the universe has a subtle way of sending us intuitive signs. These signs, when noticed, can act as compasses guiding us towards our true path. How do we...