Life is about paths and crossroads. Some paths go a long way and others come to crossroads. We have a choice on what path we take and what direction we want to go in. There are times when those who’ve been on our journey need to change for various reasons – they might not be needed, wanted or our vision has changed and we need a tribe that is truly aligned where you’re going.  

It’s okay to walk away from your tribe

Yes, it truly is.

It doesn’t mean you don’t respect them, care for them or appreciate the journey you had together.

In order for us to grow in who we are and what we dream, we also need to be able to identify when it’s time to let go and move forward.

Your tribe could be holding you back and you might not even realise it.

Signs it could be time to step forward to a new path and tribe

  • You find yourself feeling undervalued
  • You feel comparisons to others taking over your space
  • You keep stopping yourself from taking steps because ….. of fear, judgement, overwhelming feelings or because you’re tribe aren’t giving you’re the emotional support you need
  • Your tribe isn’t giving you any of the emotional support you need
  • You aren’t feeling as confident as you did in the beginning
  • You are lacking the motivation you desire

How to find your new tribe?

  • What is it you need, both emotionally and physically
  • What can you give to them (because a tribe isn’t about just what’s in it for you, remember a tribe is your community)
  • How do you want to feel when you’re with your tribe
  • What is your vision and what is the vision of the tribe, are they aligned?

Jennifer Pastiloff has a quote ‘Find Your Tribe’, which goes like this…

You know, the ones that make you FEEL the most YOU.

The ones that LIFT you up and help you remember who you really are.

The ones that REMIND you that a blip in the road is just that, a blip.

They are the ones that when you walk out of a room, they make you FEEL like a better person than when you walked in.

They are the ones that even if you don’t SEE them face to face as often as you’d like, you see them HEART TO HEART.

You know, that kind of tribe?

Who’s your TRIBE?

When you find yourself out of alignment and your tribe aren’t bringing your spirits to where they need to be, don’t be fearful and stay where you will do damage. Breathe, release and move forward. Find the tribe that fully aligns with you.

You may find on your journey that you come back to your tribe at a later stage. 

There is NO such things as having one tribe. You may have tribes for business, motherhood, womanhood, life in general, whatever it is you need.

So as the saying goes “FIND your TRIBE, hold TIGHT, and make MAGIC.”